In the bustling metropolis of New York City, a groundbreaking piece of legislation, Local Law 97, has emerged as a beacon of hope for environmental sustainability. This innovative law is a core component of the Climate Mobilization Act, passed in 2019, and marks a significant stride towards transforming New York City into a greener, more sustainable urban area. As the city aims for carbon neutrality by 2050, Local Law 97 imposes strict greenhouse gas emissions limits on buildings, which are the largest source of emissions in NYC. This article explores the details of Local Law 97, its implications for property owners, and the broader impact on the city's environmental goals.
Read MoreIn today's rapidly evolving business landscape, sustainability has become more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental necessity. Small businesses, in particular, can significantly benefit from adopting green energy solutions that not only reduce their environmental footprint but also enhance efficiency and cut costs. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore practical recommendations and product picks to help small businesses embark on a journey towards a greener, more cost-effective future.
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